Corrupted Scientists Want You to Believe that Covid is a Vaccine Preventable Disease

Peter Hotez receives many millions of dollars from Dr Tony Fauci and Mister Bill Gates for his research at the Baylor University Tropical Medicine Institute in Texas, where he is employed as a Professor of Pediatrics and of Molecular Virology and Microbiology.

US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Gates Foundation plus the UK’s Wellcome Trust fund 57% of global biomedical research. Combined with far-reaching legacy media sponsorship, the prevailing medical narrative is controlled via these powerful financial structures.

Dr Hotez is known as CNN’s television doctor and he works with the World Health Organization on projects relating to mis- and disinformation relating largely to vaccination. For exampleAnti-vaccine activism, which I actually call anti-science aggression, has now become a major killing force globally.

Dr Hotez runs a vaccine development business under leadership of Gates and Fauci. He admitted in March 2020 to a Committee on Coronavirus, that attempts to develop an RSV vaccine in the 1960s had resulted in the deaths of several children due to pathogenic priming, whereby the presence of vaccine-induced antibodies in vaccine recipients who have not been exposed to the virus, can cause enhanced infection when virus exposure occurs. This is a well known phenomenon in vaccine development, particularly for respiratory infections although it also led to many child deaths due to a Dengue Fever vaccine rollout in the Philippines in 2016. This is the reason that safety standards – being dismantled in the current climate of rushed development for mass profit – must be strictly adhered to.

Despite knowing this, and seemingly due to being caught up in a mire of conflicts, Dr Hotez is now very busy promoting the idea that all vaccines are safe and effective, and anyone questioning their safety is a dangerous “anti vaxxer”.

The genesis of new covid viral variants is driven largely by the use of non-sterilising vaccines which allow the virus to transmit and infect, learning to evade the vaccine-induced antibodies that it encounters by creating new antigens. Such antigenic shift is far less likely to occur in naturally immune people who are repeatedly exposed, due to the full range of immune system protection afforded. This is one of the reasons that until the pandemic business model of “a shot in every arm” became fashionable and insisted upon, vaccination was not considered safe or appropriate in the middle of an epidemic.

There is also a lot of speculation that new variants appeared due to further laboratory gain of function work. For example here.

Dr Hotez has abandoned basic principles of immunology, truth and ethics, in favour of promoting the idea that it is a lack of vaccination that promotes viral variant evolution. He provides no explanation as to how this is possible, only that it is to blame. This serves the purpose of laying accountability at the feet of “anti vaxxers” whilst promoting the need for “vaccine equity” in those nations who survived the pandemic unvaccinated, resulting in a large gap in the vaccine market. He claims that impoverished nations suffered terribly due to Covid when in fact, their young populations experienced large-scale natural immunity with minimal disease. Read more about that here.

If you or your loved ones are experiencing sickness from covid and other respiratory infections, now is the time to learn about these complex phenomenon and understand that far from being “anti vaxxas”, those alerting the world are authentic, non-conflicted scientists sharing knowledge and concern for humanity, often at great personal and professional risk against a criminal-level protection racket.

Learn about the convoluted conflicts of interest permeating through public health and the World Health Organization in this excellent presentation by South African microbiologist and researcher, Fahrie Hassan.

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