The Amish People ‘let it rip’

‘Let it rip’ has to have been a propaganda phrase invented by the pharma-military industrial complex. When the Woodstock festival went ahead outside of New York in 1969, in the middle of the 1968-1970 influenza pandemic, noone claimed they were ‘letting it rip’ or ‘killing grandma’. The pandemic came to a natural end without a mass fear program of lockdowns, masks, testing, social distancing, or a global ‘vaccination’ program. Power-mongering snake oil salesmen hadn’t usurped public health yet; most people didn’t have television and noone had the internet.

The crowd at the Woodstock music festival, August 1969. (Photo by Ralph Ackerman/Getty Images)

Since 2020 the Amish people (who don’t watch television) have ignored all Covid recommendations and restrictions. They quite literally ‘lit it rip’.

Unvaxxed Amish death rates 90 times lower than rest of America

WND News, 1 July 2023

A major study into the impact of the pandemic on Amish communities has found that Covid death rates among the traditionalist groups of citizens are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.

The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions.

WND News Services: A Free Press for a Free People – Since 1997

Read more here. Amish society do not vaccinate their children at all. Their children also appear to be spared from cancer, diabetes and autism.

What’s the bet that corporate media will claim this to be ‘fake news’ in their usual Orwellian Doublespeak manner.

This week there has been a strong push from the British Royal Society, claiming that measures such as social distancing and masking ‘unequivocally’ had a positive impact on covid outcomes. This seems odd given what a disaster has taken, and continues to take, place. Their ‘unequivocality’ comes from using poor quality studies as ‘proof’ of the thing they need the public to believe: that ongoing measures which benefit the wealthy and powerful are in fact about ‘keeping us safe’.

The British Royal Society claim to be a fellowship of some of the world’s most eminent scientists. It is the oldest scientific academy in continuous existence, according to their website. It also gets a mention in Dr John Coleman’s 1991 book on The Committee of 300, suggesting that rather than being about ‘science’, they are embroiled in the ‘ideology’ and massive power shift which pandemics now intend to serve.

This is important to understand as the World Bank, WHO and their private sponsors continue to establish an ongoing ‘Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response’ industry which plans and intends to impose restrictions on us all at our own taxpayer-funded expense, in the name of ‘safety’. Dr David Bell discussed the ideology of ‘One Health’ which sits within the broader plans, with radio host Paul Brennan on New Zealand’s Reality Check Radio a few days ago.

Professor Carl Heneghan spoke with Julia Hartley-Brewer about the Royal Society’s report in this interview.

Professor Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale University, has spoken on the topic too, such as this succinct clip with Dr Drew and Dr Kelly Victory, from September 2022.

This report from the Brownstone Institute explains the phenomenon of powerful oligarchs and their “scientist” minions holding front-and-centre stage whilst eminent experts are silenced, belittled and destroyed if they dare to disagree. Thankfully enough experts such as Doctor Bell, Professors Heneghan and Risch, and many thousands of others across the globe, continue to speak out. Independent media are emerging out of the ashes, providing them with a platform to be heard. With strict censorship plans included in the WHO and UN agenda “to keep us safe” from “misinformation”, these outlets are important.

Read the full 16 page report here.

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