Bird Flu Fails But World Health Organization Haven’t Surrendered Yet

On Saturday night a week ago the World Health Organization (WHO) pushed through a watered down version of amendments to their International Health Regulations (IHRs) without a vote. There is talk that behind closed doors, coercion, threats, bribery and more are used by WHO leadership to get what they want. Despite this, the “Treaty” remains on hold and amendments to the IHRs are so watered down that the only real change is the addition of WHO as having a central role in “addressing misinformation and disinformation“.

Days after the IHR amendments passed, WHO began the grotesque task of misinforming and disinforming the international general public about a Bird Flu death in Mexico.

The man in fact died from complications of underlying health conditions including diabetes and renal failure. This sleight of hand by WHO worked a treat during the past four years with Covid, thanks to intense, military-style propaganda. Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer has been quick in this case, to denounce the WHO’s lies.

Nevertheless it is the same modus operandi used in Covid – placing the virus into the minds of people, claiming low risk, then slowly increasing risk awareness until finally a crescendo of pandemic declaration, (including praise for the Chinese Communist Party) and orders to “test, test, test“.

With any luck this early dissidence from a high ranking official will stop a repeat of the dystopian Covid experience which relies on the fraudulent use of screening tests as diagnostics and convinced the world into believing medical products would save them (tests, masks, air filtration devices, therapeutics and so-called “vaccines”), in turn enriching WHO’s sponsors to the tune of many billions. They intend to do it all again and their Chief Scientist, Jeremy Farrar, who has enormous Big Pharma conflicts of interest, has an obsession with Bird Flu which began in Vietnam in 2004. His ambition may have just failed thanks to Mexico’s health secretary. But as he clearly states, he plans to rinse and repeat.

The best thing you can do to protect against harm from infectious pathogens – which are all around us every moment of everyday – is to maintain a healthy immune system. This entails allowing yourself to be exposed by not developing cleanliness obsessions as the Covid propaganda encouraged (exposure to small doses (ie, not to sick people who shed high infectious doses) helps train your immune system). Avoid injections designed to damage your immune system. Eat well, with enough micronutrients including Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc. Exercise regularly. Avoid unnecessary pharmaceutical products. Avoid medical practitioners whose only training involves prescribing unnecessary pharmaceutical products (integrative practitioners have a much more rounded education) and/or who are incentivised to prescribe pharmaceutical products. One of the biggest threats to physical health is fear. Do not surrender to fear, either of infectious disease, nor of attempts to silence and subjugate you. Live freely with courage.

Whilst the likes of Jeremy Farrar and Tedros Ghebreyesus at WHO, and their wealthy funders such as Bill Gates, intend a dystopian future on humanity reliant on pseudoscientific measures such as lockdowns, mask wearing, screening tests, digital surveillance and enforced pharmaceutical product uptake, it is starting to look as though enough public awareness is happening that their plans will fail. The medical and public health paradigms may well, contrary to these plans, end up experiencing a massive transformation for the better.

Dr David Bell in conversation with Kim Iversen, explains succinctly why the WHO remain a threat to population health as they continue their mission to introduce a globalised biosecurity state.

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