Heartbreaking Testimony from Vaccine Injured Pharmacist and Doctors Exposing Criminals

Ohio House Bill 319 aims to end “no jab, no job” policies for good. This vaccine injured pharmacist testifies in support of the Bill, using his personal experience as evidence.

He was diagnosed post-vaccine with “Covid-19”, which was only found in his cerebro-spinal fluid. This is not Covid-19 disease, which would be detected in respiratory samples. It is spike protein harm from the vaccine. Many misdiagnosed cases of Covid-19 are now occurring due to similar vaccine harm, whereby the individual’s own cells express spike protein, which is then detected by the PCR or rapid antigen tests, which do not provide adequate diagnostic evidence.

Learn more about the corruption of the tests, suggesting criminal behaviour from the responsible scientists who are funded by those standing to benefit from this hoax, here.

Learn more about the mechanisms of harm of the injectable Covid products, here.

Learn more about the DNA contamination in the product vials, threatening intergenerational human health, here.

Meanwhile, as globalist structures are put into place leading to organised crime establishing in our once-reliable systems, there are groups of doctors across the world engaged in exposing the crimes. Noone is more courageous than immunologist/oncologist Dr William Makis, from Alberta in Canada.

Dr Makis ran a highly successful cancer treatment program which received patients who had failed radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The medical isotope treatment he used had an 85% success rate. Instead of making this program available to all Canadians, the federal government aggressively removed Dr Makis from the program, before monetising it and moving it to British Columbia where it is now available solely to those who can pay private fees. During the shutdown of the program, Dr Makis had to watch hundreds of patients die, at the same time as being defamed and rendered unemployed. He understands corruption well and as a child refugee of Communism, he is not afraid to fight back.

Learn more of Dr Makis’ story in this interview and at this article.

In his presentation at the Injection of Truth event in Calgary on 17 June 2024, he exposed the criminals running Alberta Health Services. This is the level of service that populations across the globe can expect wherever the globalist agenda establishes itself, as corruption and crime underpin their ideals and the system only appeals to those willing to engage in lies and crimes. It is those pushing back such as Dr Makis and his colleagues across the globe, who are protecting humanity against the most egregious crimes ever perpetrated on the world.

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