Wealth Transfer During the Covid Pandemic: The Controligarchs

Taken from the book Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, Their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life, by Seamus Bruner.

Using the most conservative estimates, the combined personal net worth of the characters in this book tops $1 trillion (that is with a t). But the awesome power and staggering influence at their fingertips is worth far more.

With a single phone call, they can bankrupt an entire nation and destroy its economy for generations. They can also create brand-new markets and launch them into the stratosphere. They can take mere mortals to the stars, literally. They are revered and reviled the world over because they own almost everything, including our elected officials.

After years of studying them, I decided that the best name for this group of powerful men and women is the “Controligarchs”.

What is a Controligarch? Well, an oligarchy is a system run by the ultrawealthy few. It is an inherently undemocratic system. But ours is not just a textbook oligarchy like, say, the Russian government. Unlike the Kremlin-friendly industrialists looking to preserve an old oppressive regime, the American oligarchs are a new breed of philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and tech titans seeking to impose an unprecedented system of control not only on the US, but around the world. While they would like us to believe they are innovating for the better, people such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk are creating technology and making investments that will micromanage every aspect of your life.

The truth is they hoard unimaginable riches at our expense. The ten wealthiest men on the planet – including Gates, Bezos, Zuckerberg, and Musk – doubled their personal net worth over the course of teh COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the entire billionaire class – fewer than three thousand individuals around the world, or 0.00004 percent of the global population – added more than $5 trillion to their combined personal net worth while the dwindling middle class suffered, and more than 160 million people were pushed into poverty. I have done the calculations myself and the numbers are mind-blowing:

In 2019, the assets of a shadowy group of billionaires concerned with overpopulation – which included Bill Gates, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, and the Rockefeller Foundation – totaled $264,429,906,000. Post-pandemic, they increased by 37.4% to $362,009,025,000. [Reference: “The World’s Real-Time Billionaires“]

Bill Gates’ personal net worth grew 33.7 percent from $96,500,000,000 in 2019 to $129,000,000,000 in 2022. His foundation’s assets grew 6.2 percent from $51,852,234,000 in 2017 to $55,067,310,000 in 2021.

The personal net worth of George Soros increased by nearly $300,000,000 between 2019 and 2022.

Assets managed by the top financial Controligarchs – BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street – grew by 34.6 percent between 2019 and 2022, from $16,529,633,000,000 to $22,250,000,000,000.

The top 25 largest World Economic Forum members have a combined post-COVID value of nearly $10,000,000,000,000 – thanks in large part to Big Pharma’s and Big Tech’s gains – up from $8,000,000,000,000 prior to the pandemic. [Reference: Prospering in the Pandemic: The Top 100 Companies]

That’s 10 trillion up from $8 trillion – larger than the gross domestic product (GDP) of most countries!

The Controligarchs share an ambition to reshape the world. Their wealthy gives them the influence to do it. They accomplish it through crony alliances, shady takeovers, sustained corporate welfare, and sometimes flat-out corruption. Their influence is not limited to any particular industry. As I will show you, it has permeated the media, technology, energy, education, the economy, our food industry, and so much more.

In this book, I will reveal shocking new evidence that shows how the Controligarchs’ sinister agenda is well on its way to becoming reality. You will learn about their investments into eugenics research that will allow them to predetermine their children’s traits, creating a new caste system in which the ultrawealthy are able to hack their own biology to become super-human. You will learn about the billions of dollarsin taxpayer-funded crony stimulus and other forms of inflation-inducing corporate welfare that has allowed this tiny elite faction to add trillions of dollars to their collective holdings – while we work harder to earn far less. You will see what they are planning for “the next pandemic”, which I can assure you means lockdowns, new waves of small business closures, and, ultimately, consolidating the ownership of everything into fewer and fewer hands.

Living through daily disasters like bank collapses, disease outbreaks, and food and energy crises, Americans know that the world is changing for the worse. And most are tempted to point fingers at politicians. But who is really organizing the broadside against the US Constitution? Who is behind censorship, cancel culture, and the propaganda that is being pushed in our schools and media? Who is orchestrating the attacks on the nuclear family? Who is buying off public officials at home and abroad by the thousands? Who trademarked the phrase Trust the ScienceTM and then weaponized it? Why do they want to dictate virtually every aspect of our daily existence, from our energy usage right down to what foods and medicines we put into our bodies?

Most importantly – how much worse will things get?

This book answers those questions and reveals so much more. These grave stories about the widespread political corruption and corporatism that plague our planet – and the ever-growing sense that democracy and even free will may just be illusions – require an optimistic ending. This book provides accountability through forced transparency and, further, delivers hopeful recommendations for how citizens can take back control.

The story of how these billionaires, bureaucrats, and other global elites are seizing control of every major industry (and will not be happy until you own nothing) is moving quickly.

Let us get started.

Is Bill Gates a doctor?

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