No Matter Where You Live, Your Town / City Council Are Probably Implementing This

Jasmina’s accent suggests she has lived through a totalitarian regime before. She now resides in New Zealand and she recently stepped up to her local city council meeting in Wellington to explain to them why their local implementation of the global agenda (ie The Great Reset / The Fourth Industrial Revolution) needs to stop. The global agenda is being rolled out by stealth, engaging people in positions of local power who don’t understand what they are agreeing to, and have likely been told that it is “for the greater good”, via local laws and regulations. When the World Economic Forum statedyou will own nothing and you will be happy“, this is the way they intend to make that happen.

It is time for local councils to be educated and held to account for their actions. It is beyond time for the regulations being put in place to be withdrawn and replaced with the democratic processes our freedoms and rights rely upon.

Australian Kate Mason has an extensive background in welfare and community development. She has been researching the global narratives being sold to us as necessary and good with euphemistic language. She is a member of Community Voice Australia, which advocates for transparency in government and public-private partnerships.

Kate describes in this video, that we all have a part to play in this, and how we can contribute in a practical, rational way to stopping the local implementation of the global agenda. Is local implementation happening in your own city, town or region? The answer is “probably”. Kate shows how you can find out and describes what you can do to help stop it.

There are signs of hope, including that nations are starting to bow out of the Central Bank Digital Currency rollout. The history of central bankers shows that they do not have humanity’s interests at heart and must never be placed in control of our rights to spend, save, move and interact.

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