Good News About World Health Organization and the Citizens Database in New Zealand

The World Health Organization have just released their latest draft of the amendments to the International Health Regulations, due to be voted on at the World Health Assembly in just over one month’s time. Seemingly due to the public awakening, led by Dr Meryl Nass in conjunction with other courageous doctors and public health professionals, they have watered down the legislation significantly. The legislation is in effect, a business model which intends to continue to profit from ongoing pandemics using fear and control. It seems they may be realising that the people hold some power.

[Update on 26 April 2024: The Door to Freedom team have examined the updated legislation and found that in fact, the plans for imposing an ongoing biosecurity state globally remain entrenched. They have merely changed to other wording which will have the same impact, and moved some of the wording out of the text and into an annexe, likely in hope that the general public will not realise that the impact of the legislation remains the same. Their plans for demanding censorship of any opposition to their style of “public health” remain ensconced in the document. As do their plans for engaging in gain of function (biological warfare) for profit and demanding national laws are amended to suit their needs for control. Almost nothing has changed. Read the full analysis at Door to Freedom team shines a light on how little has really changed in the new version of the April 2024 amended IHR].


A briefing to follow, and link to the text below. Headlines here:

  • Massive climb down from the WHO Working Group on almost ALL substantive concerns that we and others have raised over the past 18 months.
  • The WHO’s recommendations remain non-binding. Article 13A.1 which would have required Member States to follow directives of the WHO as the guiding and coordinating authority for international public health has been dropped entirely.
  • An egregious proposal which would have erased reference to the primacy of “dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” has been dropped. This proposal marked a particularly low water-mark, and should never have been suggested.
  • Provisions that would have allowed the WHO to intervene on the basis of a mere ‘potential’ health emergency have been dropped: a pandemic must now either be happening or likely to happen, but with the safeguard that to activate its IHR powers the WHO must demonstrate that coordinated international action is necessary.
  • Proposals to construct a global censorship and ‘information control’ operation led by the WHO have been dropped.
  • A material dampening of the expansionist ambitions of the WHO: provisions which had proposed to expand the scope of the IHRs to include “all risks with a potential to impact public health” (e.g. climate change, food supply) have been deleted. The scope now remains essentially unchanged, focussed on the spread of disease.
  • Explicit recognition that Member States not the WHO are responsible for implementing these regulations, and bold plans for the WHO to police compliance with all aspects of the IHRs have been materially watered down.
  • Many other provisions have been diluted, including: surveillance mechanisms that would have given the WHO a mandate to find thousands of potential new pandemic signals; provisions which would have encouraged and favoured digital health passports; provisions requiring forced technology transfers and diversion of national resources. The published document is only an interim draft, to be put before the IHR Working Group during this week’s final negotiations, so it could yet change. That said, on the basis of this draft this is a profound victory for people power over unaccountable technocracy.

This is a redacted version of the deaths in the Citizens Database of New Zealand, as at July 2023.

Citizens Database July 2023

There are also thousands of reports in the database (not seen in this spreadsheet), from people living with injuries sustained after taking the medical products. This is hardly surprising given the various issues with manufacturing processes alone, such as described by Dr Maria Gutschi and then, following discovery of DNA contamination in both Pfizer and Moderna vials, the Expert Panel at the World Council for Health.

Lynda Wharton talked about why she started this database with journalist Liz Gunn, in January 2022. She is a staunch advocate for the vaccine injured and has a team of qualified volunteers working behind the scenes at The Health Forum NZ. She is censored by state funded media and social media platforms, eg Facebook removed her account with over 60,000 followers including many who were vaccine injured and using the page to find support and connect with each other.