The Dark Night of the Soul

I was in a room of about 20 vaccinators recently who were receiving an update on data entry requirements. The trainer informed them that if they encounter “the vaccine hesitant”, they should not enter into conversation about scientific evidence because “the vaccine hesitant” are not interested in evidence, and their hesitancy stems from their values. So avoid talking about evidence and focus on “what their values are”. She did not explain further so I guess as long as you don’t talk about evidence with those asking questions, then you’re on the right track?

Having dedicated thousands of hours learning about and attempting to share vaccine evidence in lay-friendly terms, this confirmed my sense that to many people, vaccines have become ritualised such that questioning them is considered genuinely sinful. This has in turn made vaccines a prime focus for those intending harm, as their victims will line up willingly to receive the harm. This explains why the genetic Covid-19 injections – which are a gene editing technology – were deceptively named “vaccines” to the world.

Julian Gillespie is a retired Australian barrister whose brother is an associate professor of genetic epidemiology. Julian works with international teams of medical scientists sounding the alarms on multitudes of scientific evidence explaining the harms being caused to human populations by mRNA products. One of their publications is the Australian Medical Professionals Society report, Too Many Dead: An Inquiry Into Australia’s Excess Mortality.

In this interview Julian breaks down into layman terms, why thousands of different disease pathways, expected to occur over a prolonged period of time, are implicated in the mRNA products due to genetic modification within the cells of recipients. He also explains the legal case against Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (a pharmaceutical funded government department) and Gene Technology Regulator. Dr Raj Bhula, from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, worked secretively with Pfizer to bypass the law in order to have the products approved, which Julian describes as a serious criminal offence.

This issue has caused enormous harm and division as people researching and/or studying the science and supporting the vaccine injured face aggressive propaganda and censorship. In lockstep across the globe, vaccine injury victims are cruelly silenced and a propaganda campaign to hide the cause of harms being observed is in place.

US Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr has been publicly denounced by a few members of his own family, devoted to the Democrat Party which he no longer supports. He shares in this interview (short clip below), how he endures the betrayal. He has always understood this to be an integral part of the experience of fighting for what is right: that people will reject you for standing apart from the crowd to fight for what you know is right, and that your fight can harm those you love. Kennedy calls it a “dark night of the soul” and retells the story of the warrior prince Arjuna in the Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita. Kennedy is central to the fight against vaccines being used to cause mass harm.

Once you decide what the right course is, do you have the strength, the fortitude, and the determination to do that?

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