Heroes and Anti-Heroes

New Zealand are already pushing through their plans for Central Bank Digital Currency. This is incredibly concerning given the information being shared by banking leaders and economic experts worldwide, linking this new financial system to social credit, further stripping citizenry freedoms via centralised control of individual monetary behaviours.

New Zealanders were offered to have their say in this rollout, by 10am on Monday 6 December. It seems too late for most to even know they have a right to read and comment. The link to give feedback and offer opposition is available at Reserve Bank of New Zealand – Te Putea Matua: Future of Money – Central Bank Digital Currency.

Some of those speaking out to warn us about these plans to impose a social credit system include: Irish financial investor, Melissa Ciummei; American economist, financial analyst and author, Patrick Wood; British investigative journalist Ian Davis; German author Ernst Wolff; American banking expert Catherine Austin-Fitts; environmental lawyer and human rights advocate Robert F Kennedy Jr; as well as many others I have referenced in previous blogs such as American investigative journalist Whitney Webb.

The only thing a government needs to make people into slaves is fear. If you can figure out something to make them scared, you can get them to do anything that you want…” ~ Robert F Kennedy Jr speaking to Berlin in September 2020.

At a protest on 27 November this Nurse spoke to a crowd on the Sunshine Coast, to whistleblow on poor public health practices being implemented at health services.

Christine Anderson addresses the world here, on her concerns for Australia’s evolving political tragedy.

Meanwhile, across the globe organisations receiving Gates, Wellcome Trust and other Big Pharma funding continue to produce mathematical modeling being used to keep citizens afraid, masked up, economically strangled and close to home. None of these models use real world data, of which we have 18+ months available now. Nor do they allow for environmental, host or agent factors which would be the norm for credible epidemiological modeling. Nor do they ever touch on the literature supporting established public health practices.

Almost two years in and a variant presenting with extremely mild symptoms, is being sold as cause to believe we are at “the beginning of the pandemic” according to Jeremy Farrar, Director of the Wellcome Trust, promoted by various “professors” attached to Wellcome funded institutions. Utter nonsense. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb has written about Wellcome Trust and their motives, for example A Leap Toward Humanity’s Destruction. We should be fighting to protect our children from these sinister agendas, not blindly walking into them because it happens to suit our politics, our incomes, our reputations or our current lifestyles.

Stephen Kelly, NSW Police Sergeant with 28 years experience, attached to the Police Prosecutions command for most of his career, has resigned in protest at events in Australia and the perverse policies being imposed. He speaks to the camera in a 30 minute resignation statement here. “At the time of my departure I was the most experienced police advocate in the coronial jurisdiction … The reason I’m speaking up is for my children and your children too, who are now under threat of the same coercion that is being used against me and other citizens of our country, because there is a cancer in our democracy. That cancer has been spread by elements of the mainstream media and politicians who are unnecessarily spreading fear, misinformation and creating division … It is very unfortunate that the media seem to be deliberately demonising and labeling people as conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers merely because they wish to exercise freedom of choice in lieu of state sanctioned medical intervention. One such group of people trying to speak up are the doctors and other experts trying to raise concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines, not to mention the injuries they are seeing from patients who have suffered some form of adverse reaction…

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